01 Research and Selection
02 Forming partnerships
03 Customized sales concepts
Marketing experts Award winning marketing company based in Germany


Years of professional experience
Always on the hunt for the next big thing

You have a great product or even a whole series and would like to open up new markets? Then you need a strong local partner who shares your vision.

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Identify and leverage trends

The world is changing. More than ever before. Our needs and desires change just as quickly. We monitor these changes, identify trends and satisfy new needs as quickly as possible.

eCommerce solutions

In 2020, B2C e-commerce sales in Germany amounted to EUR 73 billion. Compared to the previous year, sales increased by around 23 percent. This makes online retail one of the clear winners of the Corona crisis.

Online marketing

We have been developing comprehensive marketing strategies tailored to your product's target group for almost a decade. This is one of our greatest strengths.

Wholesale and retail

We establish relationships with retail partners to make selected products available to new customers through traditional channels.

"It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed."
Napoleon Hill
Outstanding ideas solve problems around the world

Different countries, different markets, different industries. Our partners are as diverse as the needs their products meet.

Get in touch

Let's get in touch with us

Would you rather talk to us?

Just give us a call and lets discuss what we can achieve together:
+49 157 8747 5050